Download Screen Gif 1.9 Update 11.06.2015 Full Serial Key

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Screen Gif 1.9 Update 11.06.2015
Screen Gif merupakan software untuk mengambil capture dekstop dan menjadikannya Gif..atau bisa dibilang, bisa gerak :3
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:: About Screen Gif ::

Many thanks for your interest in Screen GIF. This program allows you to capture GIF images directly from your screen. Anything which occur in your screen can be easly captured by Screen GIF and then saved it directly as a GIF animated image. All in an extremelly easy to use program interface really simple and powerful.
Screen GIF work with Microsoft Windows 10, 8 and 7. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

::Features ::

  • Extremelly easy to use
Run the program and use start/stop controls to record GIF's.
  • Simple GIF images editor
The incorporated GIF editor allows you to customize your GIF's.
  • Various GIF optimizations
Various optional GIF optimizations for smaller GIF images.
  • Grayscale captures
Captures images in grayscale to reduce the total GIF size.
  • Scale percentage
Captures images scaling by a percentage for a less GIF size.
  • Program install assistant
Screen GIF can be installed and uninstalled with safety and easily.
  • Program updater assistant
Check for new versions and download directly from the program.
  • Multilanguage interface
The Screen GIF user interface is available in various languages.
  • And many, many more...
What's New in Version 1.9 (06/11/2015) :
  • Remove social profiles and add a support forum link
  • Some other minor fixes, changes and enhancements
Untuk Serial Key Screen Gif dan cara mengaktifkan Screen Gif  silahkan diliat didalam Folder piXel.
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:: Download Link ::

Free Download Screen Gif 1.9 Update 11.06.2015 Full Serial Key
Cara Aktivasi Screen GIF
Cara Aktivasi Screen GIF
Screen GIF 1.9 Update 11.06.2015
Screen GIF 1.9 Update 11.06.2015

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